Early warning of China's ink industry development in 2022


  In the past two years, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic and the complex international situation, the global economic development has faced enormous challenges. On the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention, the ink industry has carried out normal production and operation activities in an orderly manner to meet the printing needs of news and publications and the packaging and decoration of food, medicine and other daily commodities, and has made positive contributions to ensuring people's basic life. .

  According to the statistics of the ink industry statistical information professional group, compared with 2020, which was seriously affected by the epidemic, the total industrial output value, production and sales volume and sales revenue of the ink industry in 2021 will maintain an increase of about 10%. The sharp rise in prices has made it difficult for the industry to make profits, many companies have suffered losses, and the overall profits of the industry have declined significantly.

  Entering 2022, domestic and foreign counterparts, including the European Printing Ink Association, have judged that the situation will become more severe, and a series of factors are seriously affecting the entire raw material supply chain. Superimposed on the reality of changes in national control policies and the sharp rise in the cost of various elements of electricity, water and gas production, the prices of bulk raw materials used in ink production have further pushed up recently, which has to arouse the attention and vigilance of all enterprises in the industry.

  After careful research and decision by the Ink Branch of China Daily Chemical Industry Association, the first China ink industry operation warning is issued. All enterprises in the industry are requested to pay close attention to market changes and adjust marketing strategies in a timely manner according to the fluctuation of upstream raw materials to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

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