MILK's House - Gable Top Carton Milk Box


MILK's House -  Gable Top Carton Milk Box

You have a house to live in, and so does milk. Of course, the most famous one is the "gable box". 

Don't underestimate this small cardboard box. Before it, milk was packed in glass bottles. 

Glass bottles are bulky and fragile. It is not very convenient to transport and use. 

Even though many paper milk containers later applied for patents, 

they were all limited to the round concept of the milk bottle.

It was not until 1911 that John R. Van Vollmer, 

who was in Northern Europe, 

designed the prototype 

of a single-sheet

 milk carton.

 Milk Box Gable top carton packaging


In 1951, a "roof" was added to the carton to make it easier to pour milk. 

Gable box was officially born.

In 1991, Pure Pak improved and added a rotating cap so that it 

can be re-sealed even after opening, making it easier to drink and carry.

milk box for fresh milk

Jinan Quanhua Packaging Products Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in 

the production of roof boxes, 180ml-2000ml, with a variety of capacities to choose from,

protect your milk packaging.

milk packaging milk box

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