Freshness "lives" under the roof - Uncover the little secrets of the gable top carton packaging-1
Freshness "lives" under the roof - Uncover the little secrets of the gable top carton packaging-1
Milk packaging that not to be underestimated
We all know that in order to prevent milk from spoiling, on the one hand, the packaging needs to have barrier properties
to effectively prevent external bacteria, dust, gas, etc. from entering the inside of the packaging;
On the other hand, the material of the packaging should be highly stable, and should not be easily decomposed and migrated,
thereby affecting the quality of milk.
The packaging of dairy products is closely related to the shelf life of the contents.
According to different material production processes, milk packaging can be divided into:
Tetra Pak, Gable top box, Combibloc, Eka Cup, Bailibao, etc.
The packaging produced by different materials and processes certainly affected the storage performance of milk.
Today we know the requirements of milk for milk packaging and the classification of milk packaging.
Tomorrow we will demystify how the roof bag keeps milk fresh