2021 Dairy Industry Supply Chain and Milk Source Management Development Forum


The Dairy Industry Supply Chain and Milk Source Management Development Forum is hosted by the China Dairy Industry Association and the International Dairy Federation China National Committee, and is organized by the China Dairy Industry Association Milk Source Base Construction Professional Committee and the International Dairy Federation China National Committee Animal Health and Welfare Work It is co-organized by the Committee, the Dairy Management Committee of the China National Committee of the International Dairy Federation, and the Dairy Cow Magazine, which is supported by Jinan Quanhua Packaging Products Co., Ltd., and there will be a gathering of big names and wonderful scenes. Quanhua Packaging will share a keynote report on "Trends in China's Fresh Milk Market and Opportunities for Roof Packaging".

This exhibition and development forum invited more than a hundred experts and scholars from industry associations, world dairy organizations, scientific research units, universities and enterprises, to share their experience and wisdom and analyze development opportunities in multi-angle and in-depth theme reports.

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